Natural Rapids To Run Survey To Determine How Chlorine In Water Affects Users

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Natural Rapids has planned a survey to determine if users can feel a difference between regular tap water and filtered tap water while showering.

Cities across the United States have their own methods of filtration which results in a huge variance in water quality across the country. Tap water is typically treated with chlorine or chloramine in order to kill bacteria. Then, on its way to your home, water can pick up heavy metals, sediment, and other toxins from the pipes. For people who have “well water,” the quality of the water varies as well. Water may have a bad odor or have other contaminants that seep in from the ground often resulting in “hard water”.

When shower water is left unfiltered, chemicals like chlorine that are used to clean the water can contribute to dry hair, itchy skin, and exacerbate skin conditions like eczema and acne.

“Our goal with this survey is to determine if people can actually feel a difference after chlorine is removed from their shower water. We will be using the Natural Rapids shower filter to conduct this survey. The Natural Rapids filter removes chlorine and other toxins from your shower water,” stated Bruce from Natural Rapids.

Natural Rapids expects to run the survey for about a week. Installing a full home filtration system can be expensive and impractical, a simple screw on shower filter like the Natural Rapids may be a great solution. The shower filters are universal and can be installed in virtually any shower.

The Natural Rapids shower water filter is currently a bestseller and customers on Amazon have given it great reviews.

The Natural Rapids shower filter is available on Amazon here:

Contact Info:
Name: Bruce Stevenson
Email: Send Email
Organization: Natural Rapids

Release ID: 366519

Name: Bruce Stevenson
Email: Send Email
Organization: Natural Rapids