Ecommerce SEO: 5 Basic Tips to Get You Started

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It’s easy to assume that SEO is something you only need to worry about when you’re designing your own blog or building a digital publication. However, the reality is that no matter what you’re doing online, you need to consider optimization to make sure that other people can find you. When you’re trying to sell products in a competitive marketplace, the right SEO strategy can be the difference between making a profit and watching your business crumble.

Strengthening the position of your online store is a complex process, and something that takes a while to perfect. You’ll need to design a website that’s intuitive and easy to use, so customers don’t abandon your cart mid-purchase. It’s also important to think about things like making your website load quickly and creating the right keyword-rich URLs. Today, we’re going to be looking at some of the basic SEO strategies you can use to enhance your online store.

Quick SEO Tips for your Online Store

The first thing you should note when building a new store, is that some ecommerce site builders are easier to use than others for search optimization. For instance, some will come with the option to change URLs, meta-tags and alt-descriptions already built-in, while others will require you to add integrations to access that functionality. If you’re thinking of using a builder like PrestaShop, it’s worth taking the time to read through an online guide which tells you the kind of best practices and marketing tactics to appear higher in the search engines you can use with this service. Some quick tips will often include:

  • Choosing a single reference domain: Make sure you choose a single reference domain and learn how to use canonical URLs so you can avoid any duplication problems.
  • Get the hosting right: A strong hosting provider will help your site to load faster, so you’re less likely to encounter issues with things like high bounce rate.
  • Using profitable keywords: Finding the right niche keywords to use on your store is essential. You can use these terms not just in your product pages, but on various pages throughout your website too – including blogs.
  • Writing excellent product descriptions: Strong product descriptions will help you to place your keywords within your website and should also let the search engines and customers know the benefits of what you’re trying to sell.
  • Optimize pages with meta data: Meta data and title tags are a crucial consideration in SEO. Learning how to make the most of your meta description will help you to attract more customers in the search engines. You could even outshine the competition.

Mastering eCommerce SEO

Most of the basic SEO strategies you’ll use with your ecommerce site will remain the same regardless of what builder you use. However, it’s worth looking up the functionality of the site builder in question before you invest, so you know what you can work with. For instance, some solutions will not offer access to meta description editing until you’re ready to pay for a higher product package.

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