Seven Seas Ministries Increases Efforts To Share Daily Bible Verses With The World

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Pastor Snow provides inspiration and devotionals in light of growing societal issues.

Christianity currently harbors more than 2 billion people throughout the world with the number soaring to new heights on a daily basis. Each day, countless souls become aware of the emptiness of the world around them and realize the only true solace is through God and His word. Despite the unending fulfillment found through faith, many find themselves discouraged due to the barrage of heartaches life continuously places on their shoulders. In an effort to help those in need of added encouragement, Pastor Curt Snow of Seven Seas Ministries has launched efforts to increase awareness of his Bible Verse of The Day program.

Pastor Snow confirmed, "We are well aware of the increasing problems arising in today's society and the resulting turmoil facing even the most seasoned Christians. Six days each week, we send out Bible verses to our subscribers via email; of course, we reserve Sunday as a day of rest, per God's teachings. Each verse is accompanied by a fresh, unique teaching not limited by denominational barriers. They are based on our own experiences, offering wisdom and insight into real life issues."

Truly understanding the Bible takes years of study and prayer, but a verse exists to answer any question from the basic to the most complex. Christians state knowing God's love and grace are constantly available to them is of great comfort in its own right, but they often lack comprehension of what lies within the pages of the Bible. They are well aware the answers are there, but they are often unable to discern them.

The Bible also offers a verse to address any possible scenario emerging in everyday life. Few people are ever sure of how to handle the negativity and problems coming their way; however, God offers guidance through His word to see those who believe in Him through any situation. He reminds us of how He carries us through the happy times in our lives and assures us He will never leave us during the difficult times. Pastor Snow noted growing closer to God leads to a deeper understanding of the answers and advice offered by the Bible; with the daily Bible verse, his intention is to help facilitate that process.

Concluded Pastor Snow, "We built our website as a source of answers to common questions. We use our knowledge and experience to help others and encourage everyone seeking inspiration to subscribe to these free daily verses and devotionals. Through our website, subscribers can also contact us with specific issues plaguing them. We will offer answers and advice to the utmost of our ability. We look forward to sharing God's truth with more people as well as hearing how He uses it to bless those with whom we share."

About Seven Seas Ministries:
Founded in 2005, Seven Seas Ministries is an international outreach program using the internet as its primary medium. Married since 1983 and ordained since 2001, Pastors Curt and Ellie Snow operate this non-profit organization while working to counsel married couples and spread the word of God through their teachings.

Contact Info:
Name: Pastor Curt Snow
Email: Send Email
Organization: Seven Seas Ministries
Phone: 401-315-0920

Release ID: 31191

Name: Pastor Curt Snow
Email: Send Email
Organization: Seven Seas Ministries