Plush Rugs Launches Discounts of Between Five and Fifty Percent Off Selected Rugs

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Plush Rugs are currently running a number of special offers which are easily redeemable by users, including a 5% discount for reviewing the item, and 50% off Surya rugs.

Area rugs are a great way to add a decorative feature to a room as well as making the floor more comfortable and protecting surfaces from regular wear. Rugs are designed to be both hard wearing and beautiful, and the only trouble is finding the right rug at the right price. Plush Rugs offers one of the most comprehensive online catalogs of styles and brands, and do so while offering regular special offers to keep customers happy. Their latest range of deals are featured on the homepage of their website, and provide customers with plenty of opportunities to save.

For those interested in Surya rugs, the company currently has a 50% off sale on Surya brand items, which include hundreds of styles alphabetized by their titles which can be easily searched, replete with high quality image galleries of the rugs in detail and in situ.

Further deals include a review deal in which users can save 5% on their order by leaving a constructive review of the produce they purchased, and a complementary Amex gift card and rug mat with any Momeni purchase. Users can search by size, shape, brand, color and more to always be sure of finding the right rugs fast. Click here to find out more.

A spokesperson for Plush Rugs explained, “We always believe that when quality is guaranteed and competition is high, value is what will win customers over. We want to encourage our customers to share their opinion of our products and doing so can earn them 5% off the price of their order. Equally, we have special offers on Surya rugs right now, and we even offer a complementary Amex gift card and rug pad with selected Momeni rugs, so no matter the individual taste of the customer there’s always an incentive to help sweeten the shopping experience.”

About Plush Rugs:
Plush Rugs has been serving customers since 2008. They specialize in area rugs, and can better meet the needs of customers in this niche as a result. They carry the same top quality brands found in big department stores and other online retailers, and their site is constantly updated to include the newest styles available, and always at the lowest possible prices.

Contact Info:
Name: Nathan Gotch
Email: Send Email
Organization: Plush Rugs
Phone: 1-800-239-9892

Release ID: 35665

Name: Nathan Gotch
Email: Send Email
Organization: Plush Rugs