U.K. website producly introduces pure organic biodegradable clothing

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Consider the wasteful world we live in and the cost of cheap fashion - its 1 thing to produce cheap clothing but an entirely different issue to dispose of it ....unless your clothing is so pure it will dissolve if left to degrade...

Most people consider cotton to be natural, but what they don’t realise is the huge chemical processes that cotton product undergoes and that by the time a cotton garment is produced it contains chemicals and artificial ingredients which can be irritating to sensitive skin. Consider the wasteful world we live in today and the cost of cheap fashion – its one thing to produce cheap clothing but an entirely different issue to dispose of it ….unless of course your clothing is so pure it will dissolve back into the earth if left to degrade…that is what true, pure organic cotton will do.

100% Pure Certified Organic Fair-trade Cotton. No chemicals! No dyes! No GMO!


Most people consider white to be the natural colour of cotton – that is not the case. There are only 3 natural colours produced from the seed of cotton: Ecru ,Brown and Green.

Pure organic cotton is especially beneficial to those suffering from skin disorders such as dermatitis, eczema, rashes, allergies, psoriasis, or MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivity). It has also been shown to help those suffering from Fibromyalgia, and Electrosensitivity.

It is known that a quarter of insecticides used around the world are used solely for growing conventional cotton. Once the fabric has been woven, other dyes are added which damage the environment and can result in skin sensitivity. Most fabrics undergo 20-40 treatments( spraying, coatings, softeners, fungicides, anti crease treatments and more- all of which can affect the skin adversely.)

Our cotton undergoes just 1 washing process it order to remove the vegetable fats derived from the weaving process.


100% Organic Seeds. Non-Transgenic seeds(Non-GMO)

Eco-friendly agriculture, no use of pesticides or toxic fertilizers, ensuring environmentally sustainable production

Fields worked with animals, free from polluting agricultural machinery

No Irrigation systems, just rainwater

No chemical processes, just a simple washing process

No intermediaries or exploitation, the farmers and their families are just as much of the project as the company

Absolute control of the entire cycle: growing, spinning, weaving and manufacturing

GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) certification for every phase of its process, from spinning to weaving to manufacturing and distribution.


Ladies & Men’s Pyjamas



Men’s Underwear

Ladies Underwear


Release ID: 373605