The Role of Sport, Mental Health & Bio-Psycho-Sociocultural Effects of COVID-19

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Ludo Aequitas founder, Dr Phil Salonikis explains the profound effects of COVID-19 on society, and the role and benefits of sport in the global recovery. Ludo Aequitas, is a NFP with a global initiative of promoting mental health and equality through sport. Visit:

Ludo Aequitas revealed their new article on sport and mental health not being immune to COVID-19. This article demonstrates and discusses the psychological consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and the role of sport in the global recovery.

The article also made it clear that the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a bio-psycho-sociocultural crisis not experienced by humankind since the Spanish flu Influenza outbreak of 1918.

Ludo Aequitas founder, Dr Phil Salonikis says “the type of psychological problem experienced will depend on a number of demographic variables as well as the presence of pre-existing physical, psychological and social problems.

There is likely to be a new term such as “pananxiety” and “pandysphoria” to reflect the psychological equivalent of the global biological pandemic.

There will be immediate, short and long term disorders largely associated with symptoms of anxiety and depression.”

Dr Salonikis also examined the sociocultural effects of COVID-19. “Perhaps the most profound effect of the pandemic has been on existing social structures and social norms.

The rapid reduction and eventual cessation of a number of social activities has been largely adhered to, as people come to grips with the potential severity of the pandemic. But there has also been dissent and outright protests, opposition, disbelief, as well as some egocentric, survivalist behaviour.

The hoarding of toilet paper and handwash, canned food and pasta can only be interpreted as a social regression to a primitive state of survival of one’s most basic bodily functions in the face of fear of loss of control over existence. A siege mentality, previously adopted by doomsday preppers, who now no doubt feel vindicated for their paranoia.”

Sport in its various guises has been of significant importance in the healthy functioning of an individual, family, the community and broader society.

Dr Salonikis explained that “sport is a bio-psycho-sociocultural phenomenon. For those who play, it brings physiological rewards and advantages as the need for competition is embraced. A signature of our primeval instincts mimicking aggressive impulses for physical domination, territory, and sexual propagation of the species.

Not surprisingly, sporting organisations across the globe resisted the temptation to abandon their sporting competitions as the COVID-19 pandemic gained traction. This in part may have been driven by altruism, to continue to provide an outlet for a community under increasing stress, but also by the impending crippling financial losses resulting from imminent collapse.

In past crises, such as war, sport has largely survived as a social distraction and necessity for improving the morale of both the armed forces and a society. It has been immune because humanity was split into factions, warring against each other.

But as we have seen, sport is not immune to the global threat to all humanity posed by the covid-19 virus. That is because the virus is easily disseminated by close contact, so the numbers in congregations and gatherings have plummeted close to zero.

The livelihood of thousands of people has been affected in a very short space of time. The psychological and financial ramifications profound. The effect filtering down to other community clubs and grass roots.

Without sport, there is likely to be an increase in psychological and social problems. That is because one of the main ways to deal with emotional conflict for an individual is no longer available.

The problem is compounded by the added stress of other effects of the pandemic. Unemployment, social isolation, loneliness, family discord, domestic problems, fears of eviction, an increase in the crime rate.”

The article is available at

About Ludo Aequitas:

Ludo Aequitas is a not for profit organization aimed at helping individuals who have experienced adversity through discrimination and vilification based on race, colour, age, sex, gender, religion, disability, social status and mental health.

Ludo Aequitas uses a sports psychology model and innovative cognitive-behavioural strategies to identify, minimize and eliminate the mental and behavioural impact of such traumatic experiences on the individual, family, community and broader society.

Release ID: 88954739