Study Top Tips On How To Get the Best Juicer Leads To The Green Star 5000/2000

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Study testing eight of the most popular juice extractors available shows that the GREEN STAR 5000 and 2000 are the top choice in juicers available for purchase today.

June 7, 2018: Vitality Plus, LLC., has proudly announced that it has tested eight of the most popular juice extractors available in the market today to determine the best juicer in America. The company conducted this research with the help of some of the best industry experts as well as users, who regularly use these juicers in everyday use at home and commercially. The results of this research were stunning and were published on According to this remarkable research, The Green Star 5000 and 2000 are currently the top choices of juice loving Americans.

“This research study was conducted to find out the best juicers available in the market today and also to help people decide when it comes to making a decision of picking the right juicer.” Said Bryon Nevius, the owner of Vitality Plus, while sharing the results of this study. “We have recently published an article on our website entitled ‘My 10 Reasons to Own a High Quality Juice Extractor’ and it shares all the insights and juicer tips for your top choice juicer.” He added. According to Bryon, the research study also revealed the actual differences between blenders and true juice extractors because blenders are not true juice extractors.

Also, the video at shows people how easy and simple and beneficial it is for one to use the Green Star 5000/2000 over other juicers and how juicing with it results in a much better quality juice.

In addition, the study also revealed why juicers are more important and why their juice is more valuable with higher nutritional contents than store bought juice. Pasteurized store bought juices have additives and they go through other chemical processes, which make them comparatively less healthy than freshly extracted juice. Juices that have been extracted by a powerful juicer such as The Green Star 5000 and 2000 are richer in their nutritional value and they perform justice to the fruit by producing great juice along with all of its essence, taste, vitamins and nutrients.

With the increasing trends of eating healthy, natural and organic foods and drinks are getting more popularity worldwide. Many leading doctors and medical practitioners stress on their importance in preventing and even treating many diseases. Moreover, the antioxidants present in fresh juices also bring a plethora of health benefits and therefore, people are searching online on how to find the best juicer in the market. This in-house study has revealed that the Green Star 5000 and 2000 are indeed the best choices when it comes to finding the right choice and the study will ultimately benefit many people around the world.

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Release ID: 356487