Remus Hosu reveals a new approach to making an affiliate marketing profitable

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According to Remus Hosu anybody who's looking to provide more freedom, time and security for his family should look into affiliate marketing as a side income, by working from home.

According to Remus Hosu anybody who’s looking to provide more freedom, time and security for his family should look into affiliate marketing as a side income, by working from home, as it doesn’t require customer servicing, nor inventory or any kind of overhead

To see a video presentation of how this works, people can visit:

Hosu, who is also the owner of, explained that behind this affiliate marketing business stands the “hub” model, where essentially people would align and collaborate with top companies and brands who already have established products, and then find the people who are genuinely interested in that topic, and present them the opportunity, hence “connecting” them with the right product or offer.

“Affiliate marketing is done the right way, is an amazing model as it’s extremely low in startup cost, people don’t need to create and test products, and besides 81% of brands out there not only offer, but rely on affiliate marketing and prioritize affiliates in their marketing efforts”.

People interested in this affiliate marketing business model can find more information about how this works at this link:

Hosu continued: “I recommend everyone to use and follow the hub model for affiliate marketing, as top companies are using it for years, yet somehow nobody is really talking about it. Besides, compared to dropshipping, eCom, Crypto and other types of Biz opp, affiliate marketing is really a solid, predictable model, which can be scaled over the years.”

When asked about what are the components of a successful affiliate marketing business, Hosu added: “People tend to overcomplicate it, but it really comes down to 3 simple things. To make an analogy with driving, one would need a car, an engine and fuel. So in affiliate marketing that translates to having selected a product or service, a marketing system – which is the personal hub, and high-quality fast traffic aka visitors to the website”.

Hosu concluded: “Right now affiliate marketing is very exciting and probably easier to approach than ever, and as far as traffic goes, people can approach influencers with large followings, as they do not necessarily know how to monetize them, so it’s very easy and profitable to leverage this method”.

To learn more about affiliate marketing and how to make money online, go to –

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