Porn And Sex Addiction Recovery Community Offers Free Recovery eCourse

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An e-course has been launched to help people facing sex and porn addiction. Live Free Ministries is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing actionable insights and detailed recovery plans.

A new community and app have been launched by a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping people who are struggling with porn and sex addiction. Live Free Ministries is offering people access to a free e-course called the 10 Day Freedom from Porn Action Plan to help them recover.

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The newly launched community provides support to people when they need it most, whether they are in recovery from sex and porn addiction or have not yet fully accepted they have a problem. While many organizations charge hundreds of dollars for courses such as this, Live Free Ministries offers men and women the chance to access a free recovery course and plan.

This course features actionable steps to formulate an effective recovery strategy for now and the long-term.

Live Free offers a safe and simple way to bring people together who share a common struggle with lust, porn, or sex. It can help people quit masturbation addiction and offers practical teachings and content in one place with 24/7 online access.

There is no cost and no commitment to sign up for this course, though people are recommended to complete it to achieve success.

The 10 Day Freedom from Porn Action Plan is accessible from any smartphone and is delivered directly via email. It offers people a safe way to acknowledge and defeat their sex, porn, lust, or masturbation addiction.

Alternative options provided by the nonprofit include small group work, which takes place online and offers a relational connection as well as their mobile community app. These resources can help improve the mental wellbeing of people who are dealing with addiction and can also reduce the shame associated with it.

A reviewer recently wrote: “This community has definitely helped me add more accountability, encouragement, and prayer to my daily rhythms. I have been through long periods of sobriety before that were more of a white-knuckle experience. This has felt different, this has felt like learning how to breathe.”

To find out more or sign up today, interested parties are invited to visit the link provided. Alternatively, click here

Release ID: 88978804