New Website Helps Users Look Up Their IP and Associated Data

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In today’s digital age, virtually everyone is a regular user of the internet and the spectrum of technology and advantages it brings both personally and professionally.

For those with any amount of experience, the term “IP Address” is likely a familiar one even if they don’t know exactly what the term means or why it is important.

This year My IP Page (MyIP) launches to fill this gap, providing novices and professionals alike with key information regarding their own IP address and associated data.

Officially launched in April, 2020, My IP Page was well received, having quickly been adopted as a leading tool in the “What is my IP” space.

Feature Rich with an Intuitive Interface

Consumers demand that today’s modern web interfaces be easy to navigate and simple to use. To that point, hits the mark. Great care was taken to develop a user-friendly, intuitive and stylish interface to display the information users need.

An Overview of Key Information

After several iterations, the new interface features key information above the fold (the visible portion before scrolling), that includes the host IP address, remote port, ISP, Country, State, City, and zip code. The country is further displayed as a geographical map.

This information, as well as that below it, is accurately and reliably generated in real-time without the need to take any manual action.

Innovative “Click to Copy” Feature

What’s the use of knowing an IP address if its difficult to use? This was the question MyIP aimed to tackle. Users looking up IP information needed a way to quickly and efficiently use that information. Next to the prominently displayed IP address at the top of the page is a green button aptly labeled “copy”. Visitors can click on this button to instantly copy the lengthy IP address, making it a breeze to copy into any other system or program needed.

Browser, Desktop/Mobile and Operating System

The next segment of the home page provides the user with text and graphical information regarding their browser type, desktop vs mobile connection, and operating system.

Other Information

But that’s not all. goes above and beyond the call of duty, providing visitors with additional information such as:

· Screen dimensions (width and height)

· Window (width and height)

· Browser language

· Referrer URL

· Header information: Accept-encoding, user-agent, accept-language, and cookie

Helping Users Find and Make Sense of Their IP Information

In addition to providing real-time data about a user’s IP and associated information, the website provides a wealth of knowledge for those seeking to learn or dig deeper. The team behind is constantly looking for ways to improve performance while providing users with a fast and efficient means to get the information they need.

About MyIP.Page

MyIP.Page was officially launched in April, 2020, with a goal of becoming a leader in the IP address lookup space online. The site has undergone several changes that reflect the team’s dedication to exceeding expectations. The site was well-received, and is poised to experience continued growth in the coming months and year ahead.

Release ID: 88967243