New middle grade fantasy book – The Forbidden Book – out today

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Angelina van Kemenade, who loves to write in both fantasy fiction and travel stories is proud to offer her fantasy novel - "The Forbidden Book" for children aged 7 to 12 years. Hitting bookstores and also available on Amazon as paperback and e-book.

Dutch Author Angelina van Kemenade, who passionately loves to write in both fantasy fiction and travel stories is proud to offer her fantasy novel – “The Forbidden Book” intended for children aged 7 to 12 years of which is hitting bookstores and is also available on Amazon as paperback and as e-book.

This incredible story shared in this middle-grade fantasy novel; “The Forbidden Book” is all about the adventure of Myrtle. Myrtle spots an enchanting dark blue book sprinkled with stars, one of the hundreds of books her grandmother owns. She’s thrilled when her grandmother gives her this mysterious book, and at home that night she begs for extra time to read before lights out. This book will be taking children through a thrilling session and defiant laughter. The fascinating part of the book is when Myrtle discovered that the one who can best help her is the one that she can trust the least. Children would love the new insights, strategies and findings shared in this fantasy novel as this non-fiction book has got its contents meticulously written with great compassion. The summary can be read here:

The light gives way to a quiet darkness, the moon is the only thing that lights up the surroundings. The branches are starting to relax and retract to their original position. Myrtle slides from the tree onto the ground. It seems as if this strange world is spinning around her. She puts her hand on her head. The spinning seems to get less. She looks around while taking a couple of deep breaths. Growly has disappeared. No trace of the person that helped her. With her hands she wipes the dirt off her nightgown.

She gets up carefully. Her legs are still shaken. The trees look peaceful and faceless as if nothing has happened. She is sure it is all down to that witch. She is the one that makes everything so dark. Without her Star Land would be a lovely country…..

A sample chapter of The Forbidden Book can be found here.

Release ID: 106142