Announcing Its Newest Collection Sri Yantra Sacred Geometry Jewelry

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The Sri Yantra represents a form of mystical diagram. This diagram is composed of nine triangles that intersect with one another. All the triangles surround the center point which is called bindu and radiate out from it.

The Sri Yantra represents a form of mystical diagram. This diagram is composed of nine triangles that intersect with one another. All the triangles surround the center point which is called bindu and radiate out from it.

The triangles also have their own meaning. Four of them are with the apices upward representing the Masculine or also called Shiva. The other five triangles are with the apices downward and symbolize the female embodiment also called Shakti. Therefore the Sri Yantra, among other meanings, also represents the union of Masculine and Feminine.

The Sri Yantra is also called Navayoni Chakra because nava means nine, representing the nine triangles. All nine triangles are with different sizes intersecting with one another around the center point or bindu. The bindu represents the highest and invisible center of everything. A center from which the cosmos and the figure origin and expand.

The nine triangles form forty-three smaller ones in a web symbolic to the cosmos. They also look like the womb which represents the creation. They are all surrounded by a lotus of eight petals, a lotus of sixteen petals and at the end a square resembling a temple with four doors. The lotus flower is also known to represent purity in Buddhism.

The mystery diagram that is formed is believed to be the key to mastering the science of creation or what people like, and of destruction or what people don’t like. Another interesting fact is that the Sri Yantra corresponds to each one of the Chakras in the human body. Also, the ever rotating and expanding Sri Yantra symbolizes the Universe.

Dr Hans Jenny, who is a pioneer in the field of cymatics, discovered a correlation between the Aum sound and the Sri Yantra. The tonoscope image of the sound Aum or Om looks almost identical to the visual representation of Sri Yantra. It has also a great meaning to sounds in general. It is believed to be the geometric representation of the most sacred sounds in the Universe.

When it comes to yogis, the Sri Yantra is like a pilgrimage to them. The Sri Yantra represents the spiritual journey of a person. From the early beginning to the enlightened end. With each step, the yogi ascends from the back, which is the place of origin, towards the center, ultimately uniting with the Universe, which is the supreme consciousness.

For peaceful state of mind one would feel very calm and confident having the Sri Yantra around every day. Whether it’s on a mug to start the day with positive thoughts, or accessories to bring light everywhere people go, it will encourage every moment of people’s lives and bring them joy.

Introducing the new Sri Yantra collection which is made with high-quality glass gems. The sacred symbol of Sri Yantra is mounted on the gem. The launching of this new inspiring collection is meant to bring power, prosperity and harmony to people. Its presence has influence that later reflect on people’s lives.

Release ID: 222786