Louisville KY Area Rug Cleaning Green Eco Friendly Services Expanded

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Louisville, KY rug care firm Khazai Rugs Outlet launched its environmentally friendly pet urine stain and odor removal service. The oriental rug dealership and restoration specialist firm use a scientific cleaning approach alongside traditional rug cleaning techniques while providing a range of rug treatments.

Louisville, KY rug cleaning firm Khazai Rugs Outlet announced the expansion of its eco-friendly rug cleaning and restoration services to include pet stain and odor removal. The oriental rug cleaning specialists use environmentally responsible treatment agents and tested techniques to remove fresh or dried stains.

More information about Khazai Rugs Outlet is available at https://khazairugcleaning.com/

Pet urine can result in the deep discoloration of a rug while leaving behind an unpleasant odor, both of which are difficult to remove without damage. Oriental rugs colored with vegetable dyes are also susceptible to damage from pet spills. Khazai Rugs Outlet specializes in the safe removal of pet urine and stains after a thorough diagnosis.

The Louisville oriental rug cleaning & restoration firm uses a scientific process of diagnosis and treatment to effect the complete removal of pet urine, stains, and malodors from a rug. The firm’s team of rug cleaning experts uses different approaches to clean acidic fresh urine or alkaline crystallized spills.

Khazai Rugs Outlet is Louisville’s preferred oriental rug dealership, cleaning and restoration specialist. The firm’s green rug cleaning process uses cleaning agents with water saturation to completely remove fresh or old stains and leave the rug free of bacteria and urine crystals while recommending the continued use of consumer-grade enzymatic cleansers.

According to a spokesperson for Khazai Rugs Outlet, “As a specialist in the care of oriental rugs, our team of technicians and restoration specialists draw on their scientific understanding of how stains form coupled with their rich experience working with fabrics, dyes, and chemical agents to ensure the safe, environmentally responsible, and permanent removal of pet stains and odors.”

The company provides free estimates and discounts on a wide range of services including fringe repair, rug binding, rug value appraisal, professional storage, padding, full restoration, and rug cleaning. The firm also provides rug pick-up and delivery services.

Established in Louisville, KY Khazai Rugs Outlet are a professional rug dealership specializing in the sale, cleaning, restoration, repair, and eco-friendly treatment of standard and oriental rugs from stains, mildew, chemical spills and other damage. More information is available at the URL above.

Release ID: 288344