Local Marketing Expert Says Only 3 Percent of People Look for Businesses Offline

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A local marketing expert warns that only 3 percent of people look for local businesses offline. He says that if a local business can't be found online, they risk a failing business.

A local marketing expert is trying to get the word out about the need for local business owners to make sure their business can be found online. He says that if they can’t, chances are their business will suffer and may even have to shutter its doors.

“A recent study shows that 97 percent of local shoppers look online when they want to find US local businesses,” says a spokesman from FindUsLocal.com, an online free business directory website that uses GEO local technology to show visitors a custom home page with only local information from their home town on it. “And that means if a local business owner hasn’t yet created a free small business listing, they are only getting 3 percent of the possible new business out there.”

In addition to those shocking statistics, the study also shows that of that 97 percent, 12 percent of those people try to find US local businesses every day using a local business directory.

“That’s a lot of potential lost business for a small, local business owner,” he says. “But luckily the solution is easy.”

He says that it only takes a few minutes to set up a free small business listing, but those few minutes could result in a lot of new customers walking through the door. He advises local business owners to go to a quality local business directory and claim their free business listing.

“After they claim their listing, they should fill in as many details as they can,” he says. “That’s because today’s consumers use these local listings to get as much information about a business as they can before they decide which local business to visit.”

About FindUsLocal: FindUsLocal uses geolocation technology in visitor’s browsers to construct a home page focused on their city, town or community. Right there on the front page, they’ll find local weather, sports results for their favorite teams, and announcements of the top musical acts and events coming to their city. Smart business owners list their businesses on the site to be seen by those who are specifically looking for businesses in their local area.

Release ID: 312759