Keto Paleo Cancer Mesothelioma Patient Natural Disease Remedy Program Launched

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A new alternative natural cancer treatment program has been launched by Barbara Gannon. After defeating the disease herself, she is promoting the message that cancer is not a death sentence, and that it is possible to fight it naturally.

Barbara Gannon has launched a new program helping cancer sufferers to discover how they can fight the disease without the use of conventional medicine. Through pursuing natural remedies to cancer, readers are able to develop a sense of hope, belief and freedom to achieve peak health in a natural way.

More information can be found at:

The goal of Barbara’s program is to encourage people that they can find the strength they need in seeking alternative treatment. It aims to introduce them to a healthy diet and lifestyle, so that they can beat cancer without the need to undergo the traditional western medicinal methods.

Barbara was diagnosed with Mesothelioma and separate Stage 2 breast cancer in August, 2015. In 2016 she received no evidence of cancer, and this was all achieved in a natural way, with no chemotherapy, no radiation, and no toxic side effects to worry about.

She was healed by following alternative treatments, eating whole foods with a keto/paleo diet, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. This included walking daily, practicing more meditation, chiropractic care, and regular massages.

Now she is sharing her journey in the hope that it can help to inspire other people to pursue a more natural approach to fighting the disease. Barbara wants people to know that the diagnosis does not mean that their story is over, and that cancer does not have to be a death sentence.

When Barbara got her diagnosis, she was originally given just three to six months to live. It was then that she came across a documentary called “The Truth About Cancer” otherwise known as TTAC, which gave her hope, and allowed her to understand that it was possible to develop a healthier immune system and beat the disease. 

She worked hard to find and develop an integrative team of professionals who would support her through the process, and overcame the naysayers to beat the disease. Now she is helping others to do the same.

Interested parties can find out more at where they can sign up to get regular updates on how to beat cancer without conventional drugs. 

Release ID: 273493