Kansas Fishing License Announces Fees For Hand Fishing Season In Kansas

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Fees have been set for the upcoming Kansas hand fishing season which runs from June 15th thru August 31st. Details have been released concerning rules governing the sport as well as locations.

Updated information is now available on the rules and regulations governing fishing in the state of Kansas. Kansas Fishing License provides a wealth of information concerning the purchasing of licenses, convenient methods for obtaining one and the fees associated with fishing in the state.

More information can be found by visiting the Kansas Fishing License website at: http://kansasfishinglicense.com/

The Kansas hand fishing season began June 15th and runs through August 31st. Those interested in the activity will need both a valid Kansas Fishing License as well as a additional $27.50 permit. Flathead catfish are the only species allowed to be caught and only from sunrise to sunset. In addition only certain water ways in the state may be fished. These include the Kansas River from its origin downstream to its confluence with the Missouri River, federal reservoirs from beyond 150 yards of the dam to the upper end of the federal property and the Arkansas River.

By law any artificial means of hand fishing is prohibited. This includes but is not limited to the use of snorkeling or scuba gear, hooks, or any other man-made device or gear. No man-made object may be used to attract fish such as a bathtub barrel, box, or any other flotation device. Stringers may only be used after the fish are caught by hand and when they are at or above the surface of the water.

The season which was first legalized in the summer of 2007 has gained a steady following of hand fishing enthusiasts. Added to the excitement of fishing by hand is the other aquatic and non aquatic creatures one is likely to encounter when enjoying the sport. It is possible to come in contact with snapping turtles, beavers, muskrats and snakes which can include the ever dangerous copperhead. Persons hand fishing are advised to be knowledgeable and able to distinguish the difference between a venomous and non-venomous snake. Venomous snakes can be identified by their triangular heads and elliptical (catlike) pupils.

For those wanting to take the plunge and enjoy the sport for the very first time the following tips are given. Shallow water is often best when it comes to noodling (hand fishing). Unless experienced at hand fishing deeper water can make it difficult to bring the fish to the surface. When searching for the likeliest hideouts for catfish it is best to keep in mind they prefer muddy banks, submerged rocks, fallen trees or inside submerged logs. Flathead’s like to be where they can hide and feel safe. During the spring and summer when they are spawning fish will usually be in their nest keeping a watchful eye on their eggs.

Experts advise one way to have a measure of success is find a good spot and barricade any possible escape routes using whatever is handy. Once a fish is located blocking off any areas that may allow the fish to escape increases chances of success. Group fishing is recommended as teamwork can be key to keeping the fish contained . A stick or other object is recommended to determine if there is an actual fish. Seasoned hand fisherman note that with practice it is possible to tell if it is indeed a fish or some other aquatic creature such as a snake or turtle.

Once it has been determined a fish is present carefully probing for the target is necessary. In shallow water this can be accomplished without being submerged. This is the reason many experts advise avoiding deeper waters especially for amateurs. In deeper waters it will be necessary to become submerged which is why group fishing is highly advised.

Those who plan to take part in the sport of hand fishing are encouraged to follow basic safety precautions, work in teams, become familiar with the area and keep a first aid kit and charged mobile device handy in case assistance is required.

Release ID: 364620