Hunger for Love now Available in Paperback Feb 22, 2022

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The latest novel by Shannon Farrell, Hunger for Love, will be available in paperback Feb 22, 2022 from, ust in time for St. Patrick's Day. Readers of historical fiction, historical romance, or Victorian romance will not want to miss this novel.

HerStory Books is pleased to announce that Book 1 of the Hunger of the Heart Saga, “Hunger for Love,” is now available in paperback, just in time for St. Patrick’s Day.

Readers will be swept away by this historical romance on the high seas, a boat full of Irish refuges from the deadly Potato Famine find adventure, and even love.

The author, Shannon Farrell, has taught and written about 19th-century Irish history and takes pride in using original eye-witness accounts of the events of that period to write stirring fiction that captures the lives and loves of the ordinary people living in those times.

“People who don’t know their history are doomed to repeat it. But out of these tragic events, we also get an Irish diaspora throughout Canada, the United States, and elsewhere, that lays the foundation for all sorts of amazing contributions by the Irish people which are felt to this day,” Ms. Farrell said.

The heroine, Emer, is made up, but all of the events are accurate. Forced to emigrate to Canada, she and her family endure a harrowing journey on board a “coffin ship” bound for Grosse Ile in Quebec.

Emer, working as a cabin boy to help her family’s finances, meets the enigmatic Dalton Randolph, the ship’s only gentleman passenger, who’s not all that he seems. The attraction between them is spellbinding, but darker forces are at work against them.

Who exactly IS Dalton? And why is he REALLY on that hell ship? The shocking revelations on both sides force Emer and Dalton to confront their growing feelings for each other.

As the Atlantic storms rage and the conditions aboard ship become a matter of life and death, Emer is forced to choose between the family she loves, and the man who sets her body singing with every kiss and caress….

Anyone who loves Victorian historical romances or 19th-century historical fiction is certain to love this gritty and vivid book. It is available in ebook and paperback from

Readers should also look out for Book 2, The Hungry Heart, and Book 3, The Hungry Heart Satisfied, all available from Herstory Books, https:/

Release ID: 89064249