Hattiesburg MS Hearing Aid Specialist Launches Hearing Care Exams Event

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Hattiesburg, MS hearing aid specialist Family Hearing Services announced its hearing exams service for people suffering from hearing loss. The service is focused on helping those affected by age-related hearing loss find the right type of hearing aid that suits their specific lifestyle.

Hattiesburg, MS hearing aid specialist Family Hearing Services announced the launch of its hearing care examinations. The service helps patients receive an accurate assessment of their hearing loss and individualized hearing improvement solutions.

More information about Family Hearing Services is available at http://hearingaidshattiesburg.com

According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, hearing loss is a relatively widespread phenomenon, with approximately 1 in 8 people over the age of 12 suffering from the loss of hearing in both ears, a phenomenon that increases with age. The Mississippi State Department of Health identifies hearing loss as one of the most common disorders among children born in the state.

Family Hearing Services provides patient-sensitive care by helping adults and the elderly diagnose and remedy hearing loss. The facility is focused on helping patients who suffer hearing loss due to age-related conditions. All cases of hearing loss due to disease or medical conditions are referred to ear-nose-throat (ENT) specialists.

The Hattiesburg, MS hearing aid store’s hearing tests are designed to identify the type of aid device that suits a patient’s lifestyle and hearing needs. The facility is staffed by Board-certified hearing instrument specialists and is an advanced partner of Siemens Hearing Instruments as well as Starkey Hearing Technologies. Products supplied include invisible, receiver-in-canal, completely-in-canal, behind-the-ear, in-ear, and waterproof hearing aids.

According to a spokesperson for the Hattiesburg metropolitan area hearing services provider, “Routine hearing exams enable the early diagnosis of hearing loss and its causative factors. We are happy to serve the city and its surrounding areas by providing these tests and hearing aids for patients of all ages.”

Family Hearing Services is headquartered in the city of Hattiesburg, MS and is the preferred provider of hearing instrument solutions for the elderly. The firm accepts payment by cash, check, Visa, or MasterCard and provides financing options through Care Credit, Wells Fargo Health Advantage, and any qualifying insurance provider. More information is available at the URL above.

Release ID: 343818