Georgia Democratic Lieutenant Governor Nominee – Dr Jason Hayes Announces Bid

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Dr. Jason Hayes has announced his bid as the Democratic nominee for the Lieutenant Governorship of Georgia. He is running on a platform of Medicaid expansion, quality education, economic growth, and voter protections.

This is his first bid for an elected position at the state level following his 2020 run for Georgia State Representative in House District 49. In his previous campaign, Dr. Hayes was able to attain 47.2% percent of the vote, an unprecedented number for a Democratic candidate in a deeply Republican area.

To learn more about Dr. Hayes, visit

Dr. Jason Hayes has a strong background as a medical professional and heroically served his community during the worst medical crisis in recent memory. According to recent studies, the state of Georgia ranked 43rd in healthcare. This low ranking inspired Dr. Hayes to announce his first run for a statewide position.

Despite his Democratic, progressive platform during the State Representative run in 2020, Dr. Hayes has still been able to gain a remarkable amount of ground amongst his potential Republican constituents, coming closer to victory than any blue candidate in his district has in decades. His popularity comes from a combination of strong ideals, a cooperative spirit, and an impressive history of community service.

As a Georgia resident for the past seven years, Dr. Hayes has seen the people languish without access to affordable healthcare and without real measures to boost equity and economic prosperity. These issues are foremost amongst those that inspired Dr. Hayes to run.

However, those things are not the full extent of his platform. Also on the table for Dr. Hayes are increasing voter protections that have been threatened by an antagonistic legislature as recently as this year. He plans to push for the abolition of SB 202, a recently established measure which curtails mail-in ballot access in the state.

Dr. Hayes’ most solemn pledge as he enters this campaign is to increase access to affordable health insurance by pushing for Georgia Medicaid Expansion. As a board certified internal medicine doctor for over 15 years and former member of the National Health Service Corps, Dr. Hayes has seen the need for these measures first-hand. Under Medicaid Expansion, more than 400,000 Georgia residents will receive access to affordable health insurance who did not have it previously.

With additional experience as a Congressional intern, state legislative health policy advisor and patient advocate on the national level, it is evident that Dr. Hayes has been preparing for all aspects of Lieutenant Governorship for many years, and now he is ready to fulfill his duty to his community and to the people of Georgia.

For more on Dr. Jason Hayes and his platform, visit

Release ID: 89056084