Funeral Epitaphs provided to Elmont, NY.

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Funeral Epitaphs are offered to residents of Elmont, N.Y. and surrounding areas.

Epitaphs Remembrances

A Life in Summary. When planning a funeral service, epitaphs can be a struggle to compose. There are many ways structure the epitaph.

The Funeral Directors and staff at Sprung Monument are available to help. . Sprung Monument recognizes that families will choose what best suits the individual.

Traditionally, an epitaph is a short statement, sentence or verse to be inscribed on a monument, that either summarizes a life’s work or outlook, or presents a capsule view of the individual’s view of the world. It may be humorous or serious, as befits the person as it did in life. Many people prepare their own epitaphs; others are bestowed after passing. Sprung Monuments has suggestions for you to consider but the family will do what suits them best.

What to Consider

An epitaph is a highly personal choice, and requires some reflection. They have some points to consider as you begin to formulate an epitaph, whether for yourself or a loved one. The family may work together to come up with the most fitting epitaph.

What can make up an epitaph? The choices of content are unlimited, but are often:

An existing quote, verse or saying applicable to the person

An original thought, statement or idea

A simple declaration of family ties, such as “Beloved Father and Brother”

A humorous line that reflects personality or world outlook

A quote from the person, indicative of their tone and sensibility

Sprung Monuments knows that epitaphs may come from a variety of sources. Biblical verses that reflect the quality of the individual’s life are often chosen. Accomplishments, such as philanthropy or selfless aid to others, often are cited. Achievements in a particular field, such as the arts, may be what the person is remembered for most. In whatever form or source, epitaphs should sum up an individual and convey his or her essence to others for all time.

Some Traditional Epitaph Inscriptions

Forever in Our Hearts

In Loving Memory of

Until we meet again

Always in our hearts

Rest in Peace

The song is ended, but the melody lingers on

Sweetly sleeping

Loving memories last forever

Some Traditional Epitaph Inscriptions

Forever in Our Hearts

In Loving Memory of

Until we meet again

Always in our hearts

Rest in Peace

The song is ended, but the melody lingers on

Sweetly sleeping

Loving memories last forever

Famous Epitaphs

I am ready to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter. – Winston Churchill, British Prime Minister

“Good friend, for Jesus’ sake forebear, To dig the dust enclosed here. Blessed be the man that spares these stones, And cursed be he that moves my bones.” – William Shakespeare

That’s all folks. – Mel Blanc, voice actor

If anyone at my funeral has a long face, I’ll never speak to him again. – Stan Laurel, comedian

Now He Belongs to the Ages. – on the tomb of Abraham Lincoln, U.S. President

She Did It the Hard Way. – on the tomb of Bette Davis, actress

Writing Your Own Epitaph

In many ways, nobody knows your life or achievements better than yourself – or just how you would like to be remembered. The Funeral Directors and staff at Sprung Monument suggest that the family and the individual takes time to think about just how one wishes to be remembered. Finding the words that describe ones self can help one focus on what is truly important in anyone’s life – whether it’s an achievement or one of the many roles in a life. A good epitaph should make the reader pause – and think. And it is a final opportunity to leave a mark, in the words and tone you create.

Here you may compose your own epitaph, and Sprung will store it for future use. You may also elect to have it emailed to loved ones. To retrieve your stored epitaph to review or change, provide your email and the login password you create when first submitting your epitaph.

Release ID: 364120