Electric Hand Massager – Arthritis/Chronic Hand Pain Therapy Device Updated

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Hand therapy developer and supplier Hanzzen has announced updates to its popular electric hand massage device, designed to provide medication-free relief for a variety of conditions.

Now available in white, black, and pink, the enhanced units provide targeted massage to 400 acupuncture points across the hand. They can provide relief for a range of conditions, including bone and joint pain, inflammation, arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and more.

More details can be found at: https://hanzzen.com/products/hand-massager

Applying principles of reflexology, the revised hand massage devices also have the potential to help with overall health. Given the cost of massage therapy clinics, Hanzzen’s electric hand massagers provide a cost-effective home treatment option that can be used at any time.

Hands are complex structures comprising 27 bones, as well as joints, connective tissues, tendons, and nerves. They are also particularly vulnerable to damage, and current working practices have led to an increasing prevalence of repetitive motion injuries. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1 in 4 American adults now suffers from arthritis.

As reported by Healthline.com, scientific studies indicate that regular hand massage could help to ease pain and inflammation, build hand strength, and reduce anxiety. Hanzzen’s latest improvements provide users with a mobile, cordless solution that gives relief whenever it is required. For those who suffer chronic hand pain, it offers an affordable option for ongoing therapy.

The units now apply deep tissue massage across the hand, which can relieve swelling and restore movement without the need for medication. Covering 400 acupuncture points, the units may also help with treatment of toothaches, kidney problems, cold and flu symptoms, neck ache, and a range of other ailments.

About Hanzzen

Founded to improve the lives of people who face chronic hand pain, the Toronto, Ontario-based company continues to innovate in the hand massage space. In addition to electric hand massage, the company also supplies a range of hand compression gloves. The enhanced units can be purchased on the Hanzzen website with worldwide shipping now available.

A company representative stated: “Hand massage is a form of reflexology focused on stimulating nerve endings and muscle groups believed to activate and relax other organs and muscle groups in the body. Our mission is to improve health by providing a personal at-home hand massager.”

Interested parties can learn more by visiting: https://hanzzen.com

Release ID: 89063688