Detox Program & Internal Detoxification Strategy Blueprints Released

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‘Intestinal Cleanse and Reconstruction: the Most Powerful Internal Detoxification Program’, a program to clean out the hardened nasty gunk from the bowels in a matter of days, has been released.

Nekoterran announced the release of a premier Internal Detoxification program, entitled ‘Intestinal Cleanse and Reconstruction: the Most Powerful Internal Detoxification Program’, detailing a deep tissue cleansing program ideal to deliver sustainable results.

More information is available at

The ‘Intestinal Cleanse and Reconstruction: the Most Powerful Internal Detoxification Program’ is an e-book drawing on extensive health and fitness experience, research and knowledge to help inform and guide readers through mucoid plaque accumulation, how to clean out the internal gunk and maintain a clean system in a healthy, consistent and long-lasting way.

The program details an innovative deep tissue cleansing and reconstruction approach involving fasting and reasonable dietary changes along with exact and easy to follow information and knowledge on what disease, mucoid plaque build up, acid build up, parasites and more.

The unique program detailed in the ‘Intestinal Cleanse and Reconstruction: the Most Powerful Internal Detoxification Program’ is tailored for individuals of any age, shape and history of previous colon cleanse attempts, committed to following the fasting and dietary principles provided ensure healthy a clean and healthy internal body.

More information on the deep tissue cleanse program, available on Amazon in Kindle or paperback versions with multiple reader ratings and testimonials, can be consulted on the website link provided above.

Nekoterran explains that “Most adults can carry up to 20-40 pounds of mucoid plaque clogging and rotting within the small and large intestines. This detox program will clean out a large portion if not all of the mucoid plaque in a matter of days as opposed to months.”

The author adds that “it’s absolutely crucial to know that 90% or more of disease begins in the bowels. The bowels are the the primary channels of elimination, and if the bowels are not clean, the rest of the body will suffer. Bodybuilding, weight loss or any other fitness activity absolutely requires a deep internal detox. Anyone who says a deep internal detoxification is not necessary does not understand how the human body works.”

Release ID: 126889