Creator Of The Fast Track Business Programmes Launches Reach For Greatness T.V.

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Sabine Matharu creator of the Fast Track Business Programmes has just launched Reach For Greatness T.V., a Facebook Live Show for women by women helping them to Reach For Greatness in life.

Sabine Matharu creator of the Fast Track Business Launcher Accelerator Programmes has just launched Reach For Greatness T.V., a Facebook Live Show for women by women helping them to Reach For Greatness in life – meaning empowering them to find direction in business and in life.

“Reaching For Greatness, to me, isn’t just building a business, but also being a good parent, having a healthy body and mindset” says Sabine.

Although her focus is on female entrepreneurs, business start ups and growth in her programmes, she welcomes female speakers to share their zone of genius on her platform. “The T.V. isn’t just for entrepreneurs, but women who want more in life, who want to be better mums, better wives, being fulfilled and having fun in life”, adds Sabine, “because we also have women who are talking about parenting, lifestyle, design as well as food and exercise”.

While Reach For Greatness T.V. supports collaboration, it also grows a community encouraging visibility bringing all round solutions to women facing challenges in different areas of life – covering not only business but also money, mindset, mental and physical wellness, organisation, productivity, parenting, love, relationships and so much more!

Those who want to be part of the collaboration can sign up for the monthly membership and will not only receive all the Reach For Greatness T.V. episodes but also weekly training covering 2 main areas with monthly themes surrounding Business and Lifestyle. There are also several bonuses, a feature in one of UK’s top business podcasts, a feature in an online magazine, access to the entire library of future training (over 100 topics throughout the year) as well as all Reach For Greatness TV episodes, workbooks and challenges.

Should you wish to connect with Sabine and learn more about Reach For Greatness TV and be considered as a speaker please request to join the group here:

Find out more and join the Greatness Club:

Release ID: 354276