Cosmetic Dermatologist, Dr. Melvin Elson, Announces New Website

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?Dr. Melvin Elson, world-renown cosmetic dermatologist, is pleased to announce the release of his website, which outlines his in-office services to patients and training conferences for fellow physicians.

( – September 23, 2014) Burns, TN – Dr. Melvin Elson is happy to announce his professional website’s release, which outlines his credentials, patient services, and professional training conferences. He feels making this information freely available online will help potential clients make more informed choices about personal care and continuing education, generally raising the bar within the field of cosmetic dermatology.

The website is designed to be as user-friendly for potential patients as possible with no-fuss navigation and straightforward language anyone can follow. There are videos of common procedures to assuage any fears and show exactly what occurs in the office. People can also check the doctor’s schedule and make an appointment through the site. For those who are still unsure about committing to a procedure, they can even arrange an online consultation to save time and travel fees.

Dr. Elson is no stranger to teaching what he knows about cosmetic medical procedures, having trained both doctors and nurses since 1982. According to the website, his training is just as comprehensive as professional conferences and far easier to fit into a busy physician’s schedule. This is because Dr. Elson will travel to the doctors and nurses who want to learn about cosmetic dermatology and give personal training at a reasonable cost. “The Q&A for Doctors” section of the site is full of videos of this experienced Physician answering the most frequent questions his colleagues have about this training.You can see more about this on Dr Melvin Elson’s Official Google Plus Page

The website also includes a link to purchase his books – Skin Scam: Dying to Be Beautiful, Evaluation and Treatment of the Aging Face, and The Good Look Book. Dr. Elson also maintains a blog about the current issues and trends within the cosmetic dermatology industry that is of interest to both patients and professionals and easily accessible from the new site.

For more information on Dr. Elson’s cosmetic procedures or professional training, call his office at 615-441-5227 or visit the new website at

About Dr. Melvin Elson

A graduate of Duke University School of Medicine, Dr. Melvin Elson has over 41 years of experience within the field of dermatology. After the FDA approved collagen injections in 1981, he turned his focus to the budding specialization of cosmetic dermatology. Aside from helping thousands of patients combat the signs of aging without plastic surgery, he has written three books on safe and effective procedures while also training other doctors on his methods in 51 countries.

Release ID: 65023