Colorado Exclusive Buyer Agent Talks About How Buyer Representation Started

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Boulder Colorado's Exclusive Buyer Agent started working as a realtor when Subagency existed. See the interview and video of an Exclusive Buyer Agent who has advocated for buyers since the 1980s.

Boulder, Colorado- Kathleen Chiras, CEO/owner of Buyer Agent Search recently had another exclusive interview with an exceptional Exclusive Buyer Agent Alta on October 22, 2019. Alta has a very impressive list of credentials being an Accredited Buyer’s Agent, a Certified Residential Specialist, a Graduate of Realtor Institute and a Certified Exclusive Buyer’s Agent. She established her own real estate company in 1990 and continues to be an advocate for the buyers.

Alta started as a realtor in the late 1960s. At that time the real estate business was with a system of Subagency. She explained that back in the day, buyers did not have representation. It turns out that in a Subagency system, only the sellers were being represented. Read the full summary along with the exclusive video interview here:

According to Alta, it was in the 1980s when consumers started getting buyer representation. A buyer’s representation agreement meant that a buyer specialist was hired to protect the buyer’s interests and deal with the negotiations. A signed contract binds a real estate agent and the buyer to form an exclusive representation relationship. And with that contract, the buyer gets the agent’s expertise in locating a property and everything else related to the real estate negotiations.

From the interview, it is understood that a Buyer Representation meant having someone who is a buyer’s: 1.) Protector. An agent’s top priority is to protect a buyer’s interests from all forms the negotiation process. A buyer agent can help anticipate and avoid a never-ending list of potential risks. That’s why hiring an expert who will expertly negotiate with the seller agent is the best protection there is. 2.) Negotiator. A good buyers agent is an excellent negotiator, is never complacent and is always updated with everything related to the property of interest to their buyer. They can provide CMAs to help determine a good offer price 3.) Advocate. As an advocate, the primary focus of a good buyer agent is to make sure that the property is worthy of investment and that it is negotiated with the best price and terms acceptable to the buyer. 4.) Representative. Each state offers various ways for consumers to be represented. Therefore a buyer will need to figure out the best type of buyer-agent relationship for certain real-estate transactions. One of the purest forms of representation is exclusive buyer representation.

As Alta mentioned, not all buyer agents are the same. To start looking for highly experienced and top-notch fiduciaries anywhere in the United States, Canada, and Costa Rica, consumers may go to Kathleen Chiras is the owner/ CEO of Buyer Agent Search, also a licensed broker who has been an advocate for consumers for over 20 years. For exclusive buyer agents who can help with buying or selling real estate specifically in Colorado, consumers may visit

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