Atif Javid Organised Efficiency Funnel Get More Done Productivity Guide Launched

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A new task management and productivity report has been launched by Atif Javid, the personal and business success specialist. He highlights the power of his Organised Efficiency System for managing time and achieving more.

Mentor, business coach and personal strategist, Atif Javid, has launched a new report focusing on his personal Organised Efficiency Funnel. It is a system for eliminating the tasks that don’t align with a business’s or individual’s goals so that one can get more meaningful work done.

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Atif Javid is known for helping entrepreneurs and business owners to unlock their full potential and achieve success. His focus is on helping people to be the best version of themselves in both business and life.

Now, with this new report, he is showcasing a new way for professionals, business owners, entrepreneurs and leaders to transform their workflow.

The report explains that, in the beginning, it’s fine for people to find their own way with the tasks and projects that they have going. However, at some point, they will inevitably feel bogged down.

With the right process in place, it becomes easier to manage a huge to-do list. This is where the newly launched report from Atif Javid can help, because it breaks down a system that can be applied to anyone in any field of work.

In creating a successful system, businesses can ensure they’re not spending valuable time on things that are not important to their company’s success. They can also ensure they’re not wasting excessive time on things that could be broken down and simplified.

The Organised Efficiency system was created to help more people cut through the complexity and distractions that come from being in business.

Atif Javid states: “This is a task-filtering process that enables you to focus only on the activities that are the best use of your time and that are taking you a step closer to achieving your goals.”

The first step of the process is the Eliminate stage, which begins with thinking about the tasks that can be eliminated. Here is a good place to get rid of tasks that are dead weight, or that aren’t completely necessary at this moment in time.

After that comes Simplify, which focuses on breaking down and simplifying the remaining tasks. From there, people are encouraged to Automate their business tasks, which is made easier with modern technology.

Following this is the Delegate stage, where tasks can often be delegated to free up more time. This ensures that people can focus on the tasks that truly matter to them and correlate with their goals.

The report also emphasises the importance of applying the Vital First Principle. This allows people to focus on the highest value activities, which will have the greatest positive impact on their success.

Further information about Atif Javid can be found at: and at:

Release ID: 88935197