A new and comprehensive handbook for online communications by Paul Richards

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Paul Richards recently released a new introduction to the world of modern collaborative communication, The Online Meeting Survival Guide: Learn Google Meet, Facebook Rooms, Microsoft Teams, Skype and Zoom.

Paul Richards, author of The Virtual Ticket, recently released a new introduction to the world of modern collaborative communication, The Online Meeting Survival Guide: Learn Google Meet, Facebook Rooms, Microsoft Teams, Skype and Zoom. Richards draws upon research from other industry leaders like Joseph Pine, author of The Experience Economy, and Jonah Berger’s Invisible Influence, to deliver a comprehensive, well-rounded handbook for navigating online communications.

The Online Meeting Survival Guide is divided into multiple parts to help readers learn in an incremental, natural way. The beginning provides a high-level look at modern communications and online workspaces. In part two, Richards takes a deep dive into specific software solutions, such as Google Meet, Skype, Microsoft Teams and Zoom. The final section is about productivity and best practices.

From students to seasoned professionals, The Online Meeting Survival Guide is an invaluable resource to help teams become more savvy, efficient, and effective. For those who may struggle to understand the nuances of online communications, Richards specifically seeks to answer common questions like, “When is a webinar better than a meeting?” In these unprecedented times, it’s clear that even the most technology resistant employees need to understand the capabilities of online meeting rooms and other types of visual technology.

Reviewers describe Richards’s book as “informative” and encourage prospective readers to “listen to Paul!” Instead of viewing online communications as just another tool, Richards emphasizes that collaborative technologies like Zoom and Google Meet are key to increasing personal and professional productivity. Fans credit Richards for their newfound confidence and enhanced business capabilities.

Individuals who wish to continue learning after reading The Online Meeting Survival Guide can sign up for Richards’s online course on Udemy. This course features video tutorials to highlight the most important aspects of the book and explore relevant software.

Richards is an author, instructor, and Chief Streaming Officer of StreamGeeks, and he has a passion for helping others succeed with their video communications projects. He is also the host of a YouTube live show called “PTZOptics Live,” where he reports the latest news in the live streaming and video conferencing industry. Richards can be found online at Udemy and StreamGeeks.

The Online Meeting Survival Guide: Learn Google Meet, Facebook Rooms, Microsoft Teams, Skype and Zoom is available for purchase at Amazon.com.

Release ID: 88967892