New marketing book about creating small business profits by telling stories

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Dan Crider is launching his brand new book, “Storytime”, available through at targeted at small business operators interested in the Marketing world. More information is available at the website: Learn about relationship building, customer engagement and increasing profits by telling a good story.

Entrepreneur, small business owner, writer Dan Crider is launching his brand new book, “Storytime”. The book is set to go live Spring 2017, available at and is expected to become a big hit with fans of the Marketing world.

More information on the book can be found here:

This is book number 12 that Crider has authored. The book was written with the goal of making the small business operator like-able through telling a great story about themselves or their brand. There’s also particular excitement about this launch because research shows that like-ability is one of the main drivers behind consumer purchase decisions and a good story is a great way to be that like-able person. According to the book, stories build relationships, customer engagement and increased sales.

“Storytime” sets its main focus on giving the reader pointers about the story telling process and providing the tools to get out and start telling their story. Readers will likely find a particular interest in the fact that the like-ability created by a good story has a bigger influence on the customer than any other factor. Studies show that it does this by a factor of 3 to 1 for television commercials and 2 to 1 for ads. The book’s cover art was created by the author himself and “Storytime” is being released by Wealth Net LLC.

Dan Crider has a background in starting small businesses, writing books and selling real estate. This helped shaped the creation of the book by showing first hand the importance of a simple, well-planned story.

When asked about why they wrote the book, Crider said: “The idea for the book came from watching how children focus on and remember a good story.”

Crider has hopes that the book will motivate small business decision-makers to craft a story about their brand, their employees, and themselves.. This positive outlook from the author is certainly testament to his optimism considering some of the mishaps during its creation. At one point the cover design was simply over done and did not convey the freedom of the subject matter. This caused a significant rethinking and design of the cover artwork.

In a recent interview, the author made a point of thanking his grand kids for the inspiration to write a story about stories. The author also thanks Jennifer Aaker for her quote “stories are 22 times more memorable than facts alone.” This thought set the tone for the book and the value of telling stories in business.

Those interested in learning more about the book can visit here:

Release ID: 203301