Metal Roof Contractors In Austin Texas Unnounces New Local Service Directory

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For information about roof repair contractors in the Austin Texas market visit the company's Service Locations page at: For some very good background information visit

Elite Roofing Contractors is celebrating the launch of the company’s newest web page promoting roof repair contractors in the greater Austin Texas area by sending out 700 social media posts designed to reach the entire local community of Austin TX and beyoned. Further information can be found about this new service at Elite-ERC.

In a slightly different approach to launching its new local home repair service, Elite Roofing Contractors has decided to mark the occasion by unleashing a social media promotional blitz, and this new service is expected to be available to start taking service calls beginning December 9th 2016. Where most businesses tend to merely place an ad in a local paper, this company has decided to be a little more creative and modern with the start of its new roofing repair and replacement service because having a leaking roof is a huge issue.

Michael Ryan, the owner, says: “The company wanted to be modern and a take creative approach with the launch of this new local service website because the goal is to reach as many potential clients as possible that will need such an important service, and reach them in the most effective manner available.

It should be really worthwhile and Elite Roofing Contractors is hoping this launch raises awareness of an emergency service that is vitally needed, especially after property has experienced fllood damage from a rain storm or other weather based damage.”

Elite Roofing Contractors has always made it a point of being the company that stands out when compared to other roofing contractors in the Austin TX area. This launch celebration is just one of the many ways the company does so. This is a great chance for local Austin TX residents to be made aware of an important new home improvement service available to support the community in times of need.”

Michael Ryan also said: “Elite Roofing Contractors may not be the only business offering this type of service, yet local residents are choosing the services because the company will always put the customer’s needs and satisfaction above everything else.”

When asked about the new roofing repair services the company is providing, Michael Ryan said: “It’s going to be a big deal because when a client is dealing with roof damage it normally means that person will need a local company like Elite-ERC who can be there to answer the call immediately”.

Release ID: 151554