Reports That Cannabis Is the Number Two Cause of Rehab in the US

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Cannabis is now number two, after alcohol, as a reason for rehab announces Cannabis Quitter.

Marijuana addiction is a serious problem that is underrepresented in the media representation of drug abuse. It is now the second biggest reason for people entering rehab after alcohol. Because of the drug’s calming effect, many don’t perceive a marijuana addict, but an apathetic person who smokes a lot. Knowing this difference is essential for people who want to start moving beyond their addiction, and they now can find support at Cannabis Quitter, an online forum alternative to religious groups.

Chief among their strategies is an affiliate helpline that can connect drug addicts with local rehab providers, and can be used for any addiction including marijuana. By visiting the site and talking to the Drug Rehab Help Line, addicts can gain a better understanding of the kind of help they need and where they can get it from, before being put directly in touch with the provider.

The marijuana rehab support group demonstrates just how destructive marijuana addiction can be and how to recognize this at whatever stage of addiction and proactively take steps to avoid, manage or confront it depending on the scale of the problem. Some are crippled by addiction, others simply want to leave it behind to get on with their lives, but all are facing similar problems and seek similar solutions.

A spokesperson for Cannabis Quitter explained, “Our support group is active day and night, and there are over 1,700 members dealing with a full range of problems and discussing the best way to take control of addiction, manage cravings and start making progress. A popular method of using the support group is to keep an online journal of progress toward quitting, marking the effects of going cold turkey and living through the experience of coming off drugs with the help of people who have been there before or are going through the same thing. Empathy is the most powerful tool of any support group, and there’s plenty of it present here."

About Cannabis Quitter:
This support group is dedicated to helping people in quitting cannabis and marijuana. It is a forum for people that consider their marijuana use to be a problem and want to detox from the drug. They are an online alternative to support groups like marijuana anonymous who require face to face meetings. The purpose of the group is of a similar nature, but does not subscribe to the 12 step program and does not require a belief in a God of any form.

Contact Info:
Name: Joe Bragg
Email: Send Email
Organization: Brandoutreach
Phone: (415) 632 1664

Release ID: 17050

Name: Joe Bragg
Email: Send Email
Organization: Brandoutreach