Best Multifamily Property Investment Expert Steve Baxter of Dallas TX Apartments

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Steve Baxter is well-recognized as one of the foremost experts in multifamily real estate investments in the Dallas Texas area. Steve Baxter is a seasoned professional in his field as a turnaround specialist with an eye for spotting trends in various other Texas markets.

Steve Baxter graduated near the upper part of his class at Richardson High School in 1970, subsequent to being elected as Junior Class President, Junior Class Favorite, Senior Class President and Mr. RHS.

Steve attended Hill Junior College 1970-71 on a baseball scholarship where he was elected President of Fellowship of Christian Athletes and was picked All Tournament in the Texas Regional Tournament.

Company Information: Organization: Steve Baxter Real Estate Investor Address: 7529 Stonecrest Drive, Dallas, Texas 75254 Phone: 214-549-0440 Website: Email:

Steve acquired his Texas Real Estate Broker’s License in 1978. He purchased his first 4 plex in 1979 for $42,000 with another seminary student. Here he began to learn the expertise to manage and remodel. He did most of the work by himself and started to learn the remodeling business over the next year. He sold it 18 months later for $85,000. That’s when he decided he liked this rehab business.

The basketball video can be viewed here:

In 40 years of active high school Christian ministry, Steve has ministered to approximately 15,000 high school students. He has always encouraged them to consider what they would like to be spoken about themselves at their funerals and written on their tombstones.

His website can be seen here:

Steve is most famous for this quote: “I believe in the circle of life. The most important purpose I have in this life is to be the very best father I can be to my two sons, to help train, develop, support, and love on them all the time!”

The location of Steve Baxter is here:…

Andrew Baxter was voted Pearce High School Junior Class Favorite, Member of the Year of the Mustang Stampede C & W Dance team, and Pearce Pacesetter Drill Team Best Escort as a junior.

Andrew Baxter was a 5-foot-9 point guard, and worked very hard during his high school basketball career on Pearce’s team. This hard work and diligence taught him some of the traits necessary to succeed in life.

Andrew Baxter had seldom seen so many authentic Christians. While many college students view their university years as time to indulge themselves in more parties than possible in high school, Andrew Baxter experiences the deeper, more satisfying learning what it actually means to be a Christian, to belong to Christ, and to be in fellowship with fellow Christians.

Andrew is thankful for the successes of high school, appreciative of his popularity socially and accomplishments athletically. But he would be the first to say that those accomplishments are nothing when compared to the privilege of knowing Christ and living for Him.

Furthermore, the Bible makes a challenge that goes something like this: “I call heaven and earth to record this day, that I have set before you life and death: therefore, choose life.” (Deuteronomy 30:19)

Steve Baxter Real Estate Investor 7529 Stonecrest Drive Dallas, Texas 75254 214-549-0440 Website: Email:

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