ARMA Bean Bag Gun Best Alternative to Lethal Force, Say Experts

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It seems that just displaying the ARMA 100 bean bag gun has had enough of an intimidation factor.

Everyone values the safety of their family and their home, but they might not always be certain of the best way to protect them. Some security products would be considered illegal, while others could pose a danger if they fell into the wrong hands.

ARMA USA has the perfect solution to this. It’s called the ARMA 100, a revolutionary security product. The ARMA 100 bean bag gun can be used without having to be in close contact with an assailant, allowing a person to defend themselves, their family and their home while at a safe distance.

The ARMA 100 has received the support of many security experts.
Tom Pertierra, National Association of Police Equipment Distributors, said
"…ARMA 100 is in my opinion the best alternative to lethal force available for law enforcement, military, and civilian use."

With the ARMA 100 everyone can feel secure knowing that they have a safe and legal means of defense at their disposal should the situation ever arise. The ARMA 100 can be fired from a distance of up to twenty feet, meaning there is always a safe distance from any possible attacker.

There is no need for a license and the ARMA 100 can be used by anyone once they have learned how to use it correctly.

The U.S. Department of Justices BATFE (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Division) has announced that the Arma-100 would not need to be regulated for use as a non lethal weapon. The DOJ came to this decision as the ARMA 100 had been designed to assist police in an emergency.

Commenting on the ARMA 100, Daniel Vergin, Chief of Police, Everest Metro Police Department, said:
"It seems that just displaying the ARMA 100 has had enough of an intimidation factor.”

ARMA USA's mission is to save lives through precision technology, offering self-defense weapons that are superior in quality, performance and ease of use. The highly skilled team including the founder has backgrounds in molding, engineering, design and manufacturing which are being put to use to lead the way in research, development and production for self-defense and rescue products.

Release ID: 27428